Background story

This is a fundraising blog for Iveth and Joselin Betancour, my former host sisters in the town of La Unión, Nicaragua. Iveth is 24 years old, and Joselin is 22. Over the course of the last nine years, our friends and family members have joined together to raise close to $10,000 to help send Iveth (and now Joselin) to school. Now a student at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua (UNAN), Iveth is working on a social work degree, and Joselin is pursuing a degree in nursing. This is a blog dedicated to helping them achieve their goals.

The background: In the summer of 2001, I spent a summer working with community-based health initiatives in a hurricane resettlement town in rural Nicaragua. During that time, I lived with the family of Marlene and Marvin Cortez-Ramos and their three children, and grew close to all members of the family.

In 2003, I returned twice to visit the ever-expanding Cortez-Ramos family and see the progression of the town. La Unión (so-named because it's a union of politically and geographically disparate hurricane victims) is a town of between 500 and 600 people. In recent years (which were economically bad ones for the country as a whole), many of the men of the town have taken to spending seasons as undocumented agricultural workers in Costa Rica to make ends meet.

Iveth and Joselin are special in a town where few people—and fewer women— attend school past fifth or sixth grade. Their family has emotionally supported their ambitious educational plans but has been unable to provide the financial means to do so.

Over the last few years, our family and friends have contributed to an education fund that enabled Iveth to continue her education. This year we are hoping to raise enough money to help Iveth and Joselin continue their journey.

Public schooling in Nicaragua is actually free of charge, but the daily transportation needs and costs associated with attending school in the city have become too great a burden for their family.

Below you can read her breakdown of costs. Annually, it costs around $1500 to send them to school. Please consider donating to this cause by clicking on the Dwolla donation button.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Letter from Iveth - 2015

Dear Timo,

How are you? It is a pleasure to know that we can count on your support for another year. Your help has been a great blessing in meeting our goals.  I say “us” because these funds are being used for my three siblings. We are trying to maximize the use we get out of this money in order to realize our dreams. With the funds from last year, I helped my brother Eddinson begin high school, and my sister Joselin will finish her second year of her training as a nurse.  Everything is going excellently and clearly for her. For my part, I am finishing my course of study. Only a little step remains for me until I have my degree in hand!  On the 11th of April I begin a month long course, and then I will take my final exam. 

This year, our brother Olger will join us, also beginning high school.  I understand that you have not committed to help us all, but I ask once again, as I am finishing, that you continue to help us as my siblings are just beginning. The truth is that it is my dream, and the dream of my parents, to see them prepared so that they may have a better life.  As last year, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity.  I can’t estimate the amount we will need, but I would be grateful for whatever you can manage.  Thank you!

With much affection,


Hola Timo

Que tal? Es un gusto saber que estaremos contando con su apoyo un año mas. Su ayuda nos ha sido de gran bendición para lograr nuestros propósitos. Hablo de nosotros por que el fondo esta siendo utilizado ya para 3 hermanos. Estamos tratando de maximizar el dinero para cumplir nuestro sueño. Con el fondo del año pasado, ayude a mi hermano Eddinson a iniciar su curso de secundaria, y a mi hermana Joselin que finalizara su segundo año de la carrera de enfermería. Ella va excelentemente bien y claro. Por mi parte, logre finalizar el pen de la carrera. Para mi solo falta un pasito, y estare con mi titulo en mano. Les cuento el 11 de abril empiezo un curso de un mes y luego el examen ya para finalizar con todo.

Este año se nos une Olger, quien apenas empieza su secundaria. Yo entiendo que no es obligación de ustedes en ayudar a todos, pero les pido una vez finalizando yo aun nos apoyen ya que ellos apenas empiezan. La verdad mi sueño al igual que el de mis padres es verlos formado para tener una mejor vida. Agradezco de corazón su generosidad como el año pasado. No estipulare monto estimado estaré agradecida con lo que ustedes puedan aportar. Gracias!

Con mucho cariño,

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Letter from Ivette - 2014

Hello Tim, Kendra, and esteemed “godparents”:

I hope that you are enjoying good health and feeling the blessings of God!

I write to you again this year for the purpose of asking your help in finishing my educational career and the ongoing studies of my brothers and sister. I thank you in advance for your great support in previous years.  We would not have been able to study without your help because, as you know, we come from a humble family with poor parents who work hard on the field but, unfortunately, their academic level does not allow them to acquire a better job and this reduces the possibility of supporting us financially.

I want share what we have done with the money you sent in early 2013.  My sister started her first year of a nursing degree at a private university where the registration cost is $84, with a monthly fee of $30 dollars, plus the added cost stationery and passage every Saturday at the city of Leon, 47 kilometers from the community where we live.  As you already know, I study at a public university where education is free. Apart from the cost of travel, I pay for my course packs and copies.  I should mention that in the last three months of the year, I was working in social services in a hospital where I had to buy all the material I used (white coat, shoes, pens, table).  This was my fifth year [of my social work degree]. Thanks to God and to you, everything has gone well to date in 2014.  I was assigned a tutor and I have six months to work on my thesis, which is to be defended in July.  Then I will have a right to my licensure in social work.   My graduation is scheduled for December, and I expect that costs of preparation to be large.

Now, in 2014, my brother Eddison started his studies at the Institute in Telica, where I got my high school degree. He travels there daily.  The ticket costs 15 córdobas ($0.59) and he spends another 40 córdobas ($1.58) on lunch.  He leaves home at 5 in the morning and returns at 3 p.m. because it is the only bus that travels to where we live.  Classes started there in February.  His education is otherwise free.

I hope I can count on your support again this year.  I know that we are now three and maybe we are many for you, but we all want to overcome [our circumstances] and lead a better life ...

Thank you very much. God bless you all.

With affection,

Ivette Betancourt

Hola  timo ,kendra y  estimados padrinos espero  esten gozando  de  mucha  salud y  esten siendo  bendecidos  por  la  gracia  de  Dios

Esty dirigiendome  a ustedes  nuevamente  este  año  con el  proposito  de pedirles  ayuda  para  culminar  mi carrera  y  mis  hermanos  estudien  , agradezco  de  antemano  su  gran apoyo en años  anteriores  de  no  haber  sido asi nosotros  tristemete  no  hubiesemos  estudiado ya  que  como  sabran procedemos  de una  familia humilde  de escasos  recursos  con padres que  trabajan mucho en el campo  pero  su  nivel academico  lamentablemente no  les permite adquirir  un mejor  empleo  y esto reduce la pòsibilidad  de apòyar economicamente  a nosotros  sus  hijos

les  comparto lo  que  ha  pasado con nosotros  y el  dinero  que  fue  enviado a  inicios  del 2013   mi  hermana  empezo  su  primer año de enfermeria  en una  universidad  privada donde  la matricula  costo 84 dolares y  paga  una  mensualidad de  30  dolares  a  esto   se le  suma el gasto  en papeleria  y pasaje  ya que viaja  todos  los  sabados  a la  ciudad de leon a 47 km  de la  comunidad  donde  habitamos ,  yo  como  ya  saben estudio en una  universidad publica  donde la  educacion es gratuita  ocupe  dinero  para  mis  pasajes  pago de folletos  o copias ya  que  libros  no es posible  compralos ,  cabe  mencionar  que  en  los  ultimos  3 meses  del año estuve  dando servisio social  en un hospital   donde  me toco comprar  todo el material  que  utilizaria  par ello (gavacha blanca , zapatos , lapiceros , tabla.)  ya  fue  mi quinto año gracias a Dios y austedes   todo  ha  marchado  bien  a  hora  en el 2014   se  me  asigno un tutor  y  me  dieron de plaza 6 meses  para  trabajar en mi tesis  y sea  defendida  en  julio  y hasta  entoces  podre tener  derecho a mi titulo de licenciada  en trabajo social   para  en Diciembre  esta programada  mi graduacion donde   los  gastos  para  mi seran grandes   para  los  preparativos .

Hoy  en el 2014 ya   se nos  suma Eddison mi hermano  quien inicio  sus  estudios  en el istituto  donde saque  mi secundaria  en telica  y el  esta  viajando  diariamente  donde  el costo del pasaje  es de 15 cordobas  y  gasta 40 en almuerzo  ya  que el sale  de casa  a las 5 de la mañana  y  regresa  a las 3 de la  tarde por lo  que es un unico  bus  el  que  viaja  hasta  donde  vivimos  el inicio  las clases en el mes de febrereo ai  la educacion es gratuita  .

Espero  poder contar  con su apoyo este año nuevamente  se  que  ya  somos  tres  y quizas  seamos  muchos para  ustedes  pero  si tenemos   todo el deseo de superacion para  poder  llevar una   mejor  vida ...

muchas gracias  que Dios  los  bendiga  a todos  con cariño

Ivette  Betancourt

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Letter from Ivette - 2012

Dear Donors,

It is a pleasure to greet you.  My name is Ivette Johana Betancour Cortez.  I am 20 years old. I am continuing my studies thanks to the support that you and Tim have offered.  I have completed four years in my course of studies in social work, which is a course of study that focuses on social change and problems in human relations.  I feel very fortunate that I have been able to achieve my dream having almost finished my fifth year of studies.  With this accomplishment I will be able to provide for the seven members of my family that live in a rural town, 47 kilometers from the nearest urban area.  I am the oldest of the house.  I have four siblings, all of whom are studying as well.  Joselin is my sister that, at 18, began her own studies at the university [of Leon] just this year.  Eddison is 13 years old, and is in primary school in our home community, in the fourth grade.  Olger is eight years old and in third grade at the same school as Eddinson.  The last is Oliver, who is six year olds and in the first grade.  As you will see, we are too many for the small income of my parents.

My parents have had no academic education of their own to count on.  We have moved slowly ahead solely thanks to agriculture and our in-house business.

The situation in the last few years has turned quite difficult as our needs are great and our income small, and it is for this reason that I appeal for your help.  With the money that you have sent in the last few years, I was able to finish high school, buy a course in computer skills, and assist my sister Joselin with her own studies.  The two of us travel long distances to study.  With the money from last year I bought a mini-computer to save the cost of traveling [to Leon] to do my homework.  Because they don’t give us books, I pay for all of my school materials.  We also have to buy photocopies so that we have the necessary information for the whole year.  I also pay for my ride [to Leon] and food [once there].  Thanks to God, in our university I don’t pay tuition, without which I don’t believe I’d be able to continue my studies.  Also, I helped my sister with the expense of her five years of high school.  Today, in 2012, both of us attend the university as I already mentioned.  She does have to pay for university, which costs 300 córdobas [~$13] every month in addition to her study materials and food.  The two of us study on Saturdays.  We are already four months into classes, and I worry that we can’t continue because of costs continue to rise, and the fees are not adjusted.

We hope to be able to continue with your support this year.

Here I send you the classes that I took last year, and those that I am now taking:

• Introduction to economics
• Social Psychology
• Political Systems
• Personal Formation
• Family Rights
• Project Planning
• Social and Psychiatric Work, Social Work for Anti-Social Behavior
• Practicum II (Social Projects)
• Social Work for Families
• Personal Formation VI
• Politics of Population
• Models of Intervention in Social Work
• English

• Qualitative Investigation
• General and Developmental Study of Population Groups
• Structural Social Change
• Personal Formation VII
• Practicum III (Qualitative Investigation)
• Social Communication
• Qualitative Investigation
• Elective for Student Activities
• Social Pedagogy
• Socio-Educational Practicum IV
• Participation in Investigative Action
• Personal Formation VIII
• Social Movements
• Sociology of Education, educational seminar
• Monograph seminar
• Elective for student activities VIII

Well those are the classes that I am taking.  My plan is to continue studying until I finish my degree.  After leaving university, if God wills it, I hope to get a good job where I can practice my profession and help my family.

Thank you very much, and God bless you all!!!!!



Hola queridos donantes  es un placer saludarles  soy Ivette Johana Betancour Cortez  tengo la edad de 20 años  estoy llevando mis estudios gracias al apoyo  que ustedes y timo me han brindado  ya tengo el cuarto año de mi carrera estudio trabajo social que es una carrera que esta enfocada al cambio social  y problemas en las relaciones  humanas yo me siento muy bien  poder lograr mi sueño por que ya casi termino son 5 años de estudios   y asi poderme defender en la vida provengo de una familia de 7 miembros vivo en una zona  rural a 47 km de la zona urbana soy la mayor de la casa tengo  4  hermanos mas, los cuales todos estamos  estudiando  Joselin  es mi hermana de 18 ella empezó  justo este año  la universidad  Eddison  tiene 13 años estudia la  primaria en la comunidad donde vivimos  el esta en 4to grado   , esta Olger  quien tiene 8 años y al igual que Eddinson esta en 3ro de la primaria
 el ultimo es Oliver de 6 años quien esta  en 1ro    como verán  somos demasiados para el poco ingreso que nuestro padres tienen

mis padres no cuentan con ninguna preparación académica hemos salido un poco adelante gracias a la agricultura y negocios en casa

la situación en los últimos años se ah tornado difícil ya que las exigencias son muchas y el ingreso poco es por eso que recurrí a su ayuda  con el dinero que ha sido enviado en los años atrás  pude terminar la secundaria ,saque un curso de computación y ayude a Joselin mi hermana con sus estudios  las dos viajábamos  larga distancia para poder estudiar , con el  dinero del año pasado compre una  minicomputadora para ahorrarme el costo de tener que viajar para hacer mis trabajos   pague toda la papelería por que no nos dan libros  sino que tenemos que comprar las fotocopias para tener la información que se necesita en todo el año ,pague mis pasajes y comida  gracias a Dios en la facultad donde  estoy no pago  la carrera   si no creo  que no hubiese podido continuar   también ayude a mi hermana con los gastos de su promoción de 5to año de la secundaria ,    hoy en este 2012  las dos estamos en la universidad como ya antes lo mensionaba  ella si  tiene que pagar la universidad  son 300 córdobas  cada mes adicional la papelería pasaje y comida  ambas estudiamos los sabados   ya tenemos 4 meses de haber empezado las clases y siento que ya no podemos mas por que los gastos siguen subiendo  y los   ingresos ya no ajustan   ,  esperamos poder     contar con su ayuda este año  

Aqui les envio las clases que recibi el año pasado y las que estare recibiendo  este año

• Introducción  a la economía
• psicología social
• sistemas políticos
• formación personal
• Derecho de  familia
• Planificación de proyectos
• Trabajo social  y psiquiatría,trabajo social comportamiento anti social
• practicas II(proyectos sociales)
• Trabajo social con familia
• Formación personal   VI
• políticas de población
• modelos de intervención de trabajo social
• ingles

• Investigación cualitativa
• Genero y  desarrollo estudio   de grupos de población
• Estructura y cambio social
• Formación personal VII
• Practicas III(investigación cualitativa)
• Comunicación social
• Investigación cuantitativa
• Electiva de actividades estudiantiles
• Pedagogía social
• Practicas IV socio educativas
• Investigación acción participativa
• Formación personal VIII
• Movimientos sociales
• Sociología de educación seminario educativo
• Seminario monográfico
• Electivas de actividades estudiantiles VIII

Bueno estas son las clases que estoy llevando    mis planes es continuar estudiando  hasta finalizar mi carrera luego de salir de la universidad si Dios quiere quiero   encontrar un buen trabajo donde ejercer mi profesión para ayudar a mi familia

Muchísimas gracias y que Dios les bendiga!!!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

College - Year One

Iveth is the first year of a five-year social work program. She attends classes only on Saturdays, but has to travel from La Unión to León one other day a week to study. These are her weekly cost estimates:

Travel: 100 córdobas (there and back)
Food: 160 córdobas
Supplies: 120 córdobas (This varies depending on the kind of work Iveth is required to do.)

380 córdobas--a week of college--comes out to just over $19 a week.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Success! Photos from Iveth's high school graduation!

To all who have donated to this cause, I thank you with all the sincerity I have.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Letter from Iveth - Februrary 2008

Hi all,

I've communicating with Iveth regularly for the last few weeks, and she has written a letter to introduce herself to you, her padrinos (god parents). Here it is, with my feeble translation:

Hola queridos donantes mi nombre es IVETH tengo 16 años estoy en 5to año como ustedes sabran este año me bachiero este es uno de mis grandes sueños y con su ayuda se me puede llegar a realizar ya que mi situasion es muy difisil para mi por que mi familia se compone de 5 hermanos 2 estudiamos fuera de la comunidad y tenemos muchos gastos y a mis padres se les hace muy difisil por que somos escasos de recursos economicos

este año quiero estudiar un curso de computasion es algo que me gusta mucho pero no puedo hacerlo por falta de plata este año tengo mas gastos que nunca por que me tengo que alistar para mipromosion y por eso estoy recurriendo a ustedes para que me ayuden por fa vor ayudenme de verdad lo necesito grasias adios Iveth

Hello dear donors. My name is Iveth. I am 16 years and in my fifth year [of secondary schooling]. As you know, this year I complete my degree. It is one of my biggest dreams, and with your help I can finish at last. But my situation is difficult because there are five kids in my family. Two of us leave the community for school. We have a great number of expenses, and it is [economically] difficult for my parents because we are so short on economic resources.

This year I want to take a computation course. It is something that I enjoy a lot, but I cannot do it for lack of money. This year we have more expenses than in the past in part because I have to enroll in my graduation course, and it is for this reason that I am recruiting you to help me. Please help.

Thank you,

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Iveth's second email

Hola timo grasias por responder la situasion es la siguiente yo en mi colegio no pago nada pero tengo que pagar el transporte ycuesta 6 cordobas tambien tengo que pagar folleto y esos cuestan de 1a2 cordobas y yo salgo alas 4 dela mañana de mi casa y me boy sin desayunar y alla commpro mis alimentos yo en total gasto 20 cordobas en total diario y yo quiero que me consigas un padrino y le cuentes mi situacion y que por lomenos me ayudes en 20 dolares por cada mes y cuentale donde vivo como soy y que tengo 15 años.

Hi Tim. Thank you for responding. The situation is the following: in my school I don’t pay anything but I have to pay transportation costs, which are about 6 cordobas [about $0.33 US]. Also, I have to pay for handouts, and those cost between 1 and 2 cordobas [between $0.06-$0.12]. And, I leave my house at 4:00 in the morning, and I go without breakfast. I buy my food there [in León]. In total, I spend 20 cordobas [$1.11 US] every day. I want you to help find me a “godfather” and tell them my situation, and that at least you could help me with $20.00 a month, and tell them where I live and how I am, and that I am fifteen years old.